ÜberschriftPractice Experience at the He Mei Pet Hospital in Chongqing, China
AnzeigentextAre you ready for a unique life experience?

Are you interested in spending 2-3, maybe even 6 months in a veterinary hospital China?

The He Mei Pet Hospital in Chongqing, China, offers a position for a foreign veterinarian.

Combine living and working in China, the “land of the dragon” and gain experience in veterinary ultrasound, diagnostics and surgery along the way.

You will learn day-to-day procedures of a veterinary hospital in China, in addition a 2-level ultrasound training program is offered.

If you are interested please contact
Dr. Louise Cheng at chengyu751108@163.com
FotoFoto: Practice Experience at the He Mei Pet Hospital in Chongqing, China
StatusGeschaltet am 05.04.2018, Bearbeitet am 05.04.2018, Aufrufe: 36685

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