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- 23.10.2018 Theiler´s disease in a Trakehner caused by contaminated tetanus vaccine
 - 23.10.2018 Perisuspensory abscessation in horses with hindlimb cellulitis
 - 07.10.2018 Limbal squamous cell carcinoma in a Rocky Mountain Horse and genetics
 - 05.10.2018 Subconjunctival bupivacaine, lidocaine, and mepivacaine and the corneal sensitivity in horses
 - 29.09.2018 Clodronate in horses with lameness
 - 20.09.2018 Valacyclovir in horses with equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis
 - 14.09.2018 Radiculopathy associated with forelimb lameness in horses
 - 12.09.2018 Biological variations of routine blood parameters in horses
 - 07.09.2018 Prognosis for horses with deep digital flexor tendon injury after penetrating wound
 - 06.09.2018 Possible maternal effect for the pace trait of horses
 - 01.09.2018 Flecainide on induced atrial fibrillation in horses
 - 30.08.2018 Sonographic technique to identify manica flexoria tears in horses
 - 29.08.2018 Novel prototype dynamic laryngoplasty system on arytenoid abduction
 - 27.08.2018 Lipid peroxidation biomarkers in equine neuroaxonal dystrophy
 - 23.08.2018 Eosinophils of the horse: an update
 - 08.08.2018 Presumed Neuroglycopenia following Severe Hypoglycemia in Horses
 - 05.08.2018 E321G MYH1 mutation and nonexertional rhabdomyolysis in Quarter Horses
 - 20.07.2018 Novel therapeutic approach for mares with suspected uterine tubal blockage
 - 14.07.2018 Update on Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis
 - 09.07.2018 Pharyngeal endoscopic tip placement and water flushing interval influencing endoscopy in horses
 - 05.07.2018 Unusual cause of unilateral facial swelling in a colt
 - 03.07.2018 Novel topical therapy of equine sarcoids
 - 27.06.2018 Conventional radiography versus CT to diagnose osteomyelitis in foals
 - 15.06.2018 Novel surgical treatment of recurrent laryngeal neuropathy in horses
 - 12.06.2018 Standing repair of a fracture of the third metatarsal bone of a Hunt Thoroughbred mare
 - 11.06.2018 Unusual cause of bilateral blindness in a young Quarter Horse
 - 04.06.2018 Advanced imaging of an incomplete fracture of Os metacarpale III in a young Warmblood
 - 31.05.2018 Equine external beam radiation therapy
 - 27.05.2018 Insulin dysregulation in horses with SIRS
 - 23.05.2018 The farrier role in supporting horse owners to prevent laminitis
 - 19.05.2018 CT description of equine oromaxillary sinus and oronasal fistulae
 - 17.05.2018 Insulin and the structural integrity of equine digital lamellae
 - 12.05.2018 Risk factors for gastric disease in show jumping Warmbloods
 - 06.05.2018 Anatomy of equine incisors: an update
 - 28.04.2018 Paranasal sinus cysts in the horse
 - 27.04.2018 Exercise-Âinduced pulmonary haemorrhage in Thoroughbred racehorses
 - 20.04.2018 Unilateral cervical plexus block for prosthetic laryngoplasty in horses
 - 14.04.2018 Standardised exercise testing in 17 reining horses
 - 11.04.2018 Specific bioactive collagen peptides (PETAGILE®) in horses with osteoarthritis
 - 08.04.2018 Carpal arthrodesis using a minimally invasive approach in horses
 - 08.04.2018 Mycobacterial infections in equids
 - 06.04.2018 Epidural anaesthesia in horses with perineal and tail melanomas
 - 26.03.2018 Unexpected cause of haematuria in an Egyptian Arabian stallion
 - 23.03.2018 First description of hypersplenism in an old miniature pony
 - 19.03.2018 Endocrinopathies associated with severe hypertriglyceridaemia in horses and ponies
 - 12.03.2018 Clinical effect of corticosteroids in horses with asthma
 - 05.03.2018 Severe complications of cheek tooth extraction in a pony
 - 23.02.2018 Trema micrantha-associated neurotoxicosis
 - 11.02.2018 Silicate associated osteoporosis (SAO) in an adult horse
 - 05.02.2018 Septic keratitis - associated bacteria and antibiotic susceptibility
 - 30.01.2018 Osteonecrosis associated with chronic recurrent cellulitis
 - 24.01.2018 Traumatic coccygeal luxation and distal amputation of the tail of a horse
 - 22.01.2018 Ocular and periocular hemangiosarcoma in horses
 - 17.01.2018 Head computed tomography in equine practice
 - 17.01.2018 Primary stabilisation for tail avulsion in cats
 - 12.01.2018 Standing intraoral extractions of cheek teeth in horses
 - 12.01.2018 CT features in horses with tarsal lameness
 - 30.12.2017 Heritability of atrial fibrillation in the Standardbred racehorse
 - 27.12.2017 Actinobacillus capsulatus peritonitis and chyloabdomen in a horse
 - 21.12.2017 Do different emasculators make a difference in equine castration?
 - 18.12.2017 Adverse effect of an intrapleural tissue plasminogen activator
 - 18.12.2017 Suspected aspirin resistance in healthy warmblood horses
 - 16.12.2017 Insect Bite Hypersensitivity in Horses and Airway Hyperreactivity
 - 15.12.2017 Avulsion of the proximal digital annular ligament in five horses
 - 11.12.2017 Actinobacillus capsulatus peritonitis in a warmblood
 - 04.12.2017 Penile and preputial squamous cell carcinoma in the horse
 - 22.11.2017 CT diagnosis of fatigue fracture of Mt 3 in young adult horses
 - 15.11.2017 Two regimens of lidocaine infusion in horses undergoing laparotomy for colic
 - 13.11.2017 Biofilms of Candida spp. from the ocular conjunctiva of horses
 - 04.11.2017 Traumatic coccygeal luxation of the tail of an Appaloosa mare
 - 29.10.2017 Radiography of the equine dorsal and ventral nasal conchal bullae
 - 26.10.2017 Recurrent adnexal lymphoma in a Quarter Horse
 - 20.10.2017 PARR clonality testing in a horse with a solitary retropharyngeal lymphoma
 - 19.10.2017 Multisystemic bovine mycobacteriosis in a pony
 - 19.10.2017 Comparison of castration techniques and complications in horses
 - 18.10.2017 Pyrimethamine toxicosis in horses due to a compounded medication
 - 16.10.2017 Radiotherapy to treat periocular tumours in horses
 - 10.10.2017 Aerobic uterine isolates in mares with post-partum metritis
 - 06.10.2017 New sensor design for buccal pulse oximetry in horses
 - 02.10.2017 Uterine isolates and antimicrobial susceptibility in mares with post-partum metritis
 - 01.10.2017 Prognostic assessment of tetanus in 176 equids
 - 30.09.2017 Age and dietary carbohydrate profiles on glucose and insulin dynamics in horses
 - 30.09.2017 History and clinical evolution of tetanus in 176 equids
 - 26.09.2017 Right ventricular function during acute exacerbation of severe asthma in horses
 - 25.09.2017 Association between EIPH and race-day performance in Thoroughbred racehorses
 - 20.09.2017 Biuret versus refractometry methods to measure serum total proteins in ruminants
 - 01.09.2017 Steatitis in equids - clinical and ultrasonographical findings
 - 30.08.2017 Correlation of overground endoscopy to resting laryngeal function in racehorses
 - 25.08.2017 Pigment retinopathy in warmblood horses with EMND
 - 22.08.2017 MRI in solar penetration wounds of horses
 - 17.08.2017 Biuret versus refractometry methods to measure serum total proteins in ruminants
 - 16.08.2017 Maxillary odontogenic myxoma in six young horses
 - 14.08.2017 Managing equine ataxia due to cervical vertebral stenotic myelopathy
 - 12.08.2017 First description of Mendelson´s syndrome as perianaesthetic complication in two horses
 - 11.08.2017 Pirfenidone to treat equine corneal scarring
 - 11.08.2017 Electroacupuncture in the treatment of horses with headshaking
 - 07.08.2017 A novel ex vivo equine corneal model
 - 03.08.2017 Pirfenidone to treat equine corneal scarring
 - 26.07.2017 Parasagittal fractures of the proximal phalanx in Thoroughbred racehorses
 - 21.07.2017 Different manuka honey formulations in wound healing of horses
 - 11.07.2017 Standardised exercise testing in reining horses
 - 11.07.2017 Traumatic bilateral oblique stylohyoid bone fracture in an Appaloosa
 - 06.07.2017 Outcome of repaired parasagittal fractures of the proximal phalanx
 - 05.07.2017 Visual outcome after corneal transplantation in horses
 - 01.07.2017 Single transphyseal screws to correct angular limb deformities in foals
 - 14.06.2017 Surgical repair of a chronic, oronasal fistula in a horse
 - 07.06.2017 Aspirin resistance in healthy adult warmblood horses
 - 31.05.2017 Inguinal percutaneous ultrasound to locate cryptorchid testes in horses
 - 28.05.2017 Modified surgical technique for penile amputation and preputial ablation in horses
 - 25.05.2017 Fatal delayed complication after routine castration of a stallion
 - 21.05.2017 Successful treatment of corneal edema in four horses
 - 17.05.2017 Age-related variation in the cellular composition of equine BAL
 - 10.05.2017 Successful therapy of tarsocrural joint luxation in an Arabian mare
 - 08.05.2017 Cytokines in the BAL fluid of horses with Neutrophilic Inflammatory Airway Disease
 - 07.05.2017 Equine gastric ulcer syndrome in adult donkeys
 - 07.05.2017 Seasonal changes in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cytology
 - 06.05.2017 Calcitonin as a potential tumour marker for medullary thyroid carcinoma
 - 05.05.2017 Pasture-associated stringhalt
 - 24.04.2017 Long-term follow-up of Norwegian horses with acquired polyneuropathy
 - 16.04.2017 Comparison of two techniques to count cells in equine BALF
 - 15.04.2017 Cytokine Concentrations in BAL Fluid from Horses with Neutrophilic Inflammatory Airway Disease
 - 03.04.2017 Inflammatory markers in previously laminitic ponies
 - 27.03.2017 New technique for correction of moderate to severe angular limb deformities in foals
 - 26.03.2017 Sampling site and the use of different culture media of sternal derived equine MSCs
 - 18.03.2017 Alloimmune disease in a neonatal filly
 - 16.03.2017 Accuracy of injecting the distal tarsal joints in the horse
 - 15.03.2017 Toll-like receptor and cytokine messenger RNA levels in equine periodontitis
 - 13.03.2017 Dose and diet and the pharmacodynamics of esomeprazole in the horse
 - 10.03.2017 Novel ultrasound-guided approach to injection of the navicular bursa
 - 09.03.2017 Prevalence and serological diagnosis of liver fluke infection in Irish horses
 - 03.03.2017 Storage time and temperature and the results of synovial and mesothelial fluids
 - 27.02.2017 sCD14 measurement as a biomarker for endotoxaemia in horses
 - 27.02.2017 Androgens and oestrogens in mares with experimentally-induced ascending placentitis
 - 22.02.2017 Double plate fixation for proximal interphalangeal joint instability
 - 20.02.2017 Successful treatment for tarsocrural joint luxation in a young Arabian mare
 - 08.02.2017 Repeatability of an oral glucose test in ponies.
 - 30.01.2017 Lubricin in synovial fluid from horses with osteoarthritis
 - 28.01.2017 Neurodegeneration and niacin deficiency in equine grass sickness
 - 27.01.2017 Transcriptome analysis of sarcoids in horses
 - 15.01.2017 Risk factors for surgical site infection following laparotomy
 - 08.01.2017 Sudden death in racehorses due to bit-induced asphyxia?
 - 04.01.2017 Specificities of immunoglobulin M in equine fetuses infected with Leptospira interrogans
 - 02.01.2017 Orthodontic correction of `parrot mouth` in 73 foals
 - 30.12.2016 Equine viral arteritis - a review
 - 25.12.2016 Ultrasound diagnosis of injuries of structures of the medial meniscus
 - 19.12.2016 Prognostic factors for surviving after relaparotomy in horses
 - 09.12.2016 RT-qPCR to diagnose dermatophilosis in horses
 - 07.12.2016 New insights in the aetiopathogenesis of equine periodontal disease
 - 05.12.2016 Effects of intravenous terbutaline on various vital parameters in anesthetized horses
 - 02.12.2016 EHV-3-infection and associated ocular lesions in a filly
 - 29.11.2016 Continuous positive airway pressure in anaesthetized horses
 - 23.11.2016 Clean Hands Save Horses - adapted to the WHO´s Clean Hands Save Lives initiative
 - 23.11.2016 Humoral response of Borrelia burgdorferi OspA vaccination in equids
 - 15.11.2016 Novel technique to reconstruct collateral ligament after traumatic avulsion fracture
 - 11.11.2016 Minimally invasive transurethral endoscopic-guided closure of bladder tears in a horse
 - 04.11.2016 Anthelmintic effects of five plant extracts on Parascaris equorum larvae
 - 31.10.2016 Acute-phase proteins in horses with colic
 - 28.10.2016 Risk factors associated with survival of horses following relaparotomy
 - 24.10.2016 Preventive effects of two nutraceuticals on experimentally induced acute synovitis
 - 23.10.2016 Oral direct factor Xa inhibitor anticoagulant in healthy adult horses
 - 21.10.2016 Geochemical risk factors for equine grass sickness
 - 19.10.2016 Changes in the faecal microbiota of mares to predict post partum colic
 - 07.10.2016 Odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis in horses
 - 04.10.2016 Wounds to the dorsal carpus (coronation injury) in horses
 - 30.09.2016 Pituitary macroadenoma mimicking neurological disease in a horse
 - 26.09.2016 Oral sugar test in ponies when performed with or without prior fasting
 - 19.09.2016 Acupuncture treatment and gait parameters in horses
 - 14.09.2016 Acute-phase proteins in horses with colic
 - 07.09.2016 Auriculopalpebral nerve block and the Schirmer tear test I values in normal horses
 - 07.09.2016
 - 19.08.2016 Minimal-invasive carpal arthrodesis in three horses
 - 15.08.2016 Haematogenous septic arthritis in foals - an update
 - 15.08.2016 Morphological variations of equine cervical vertebrae in CT scans
 - 10.08.2016 Intravenous romifidine and propranolol administered alone or in combination for equine sedation
 - 01.08.2016 Lumbosacral epiduroscopy in the standing horse
 - 27.07.2016 Evaluation of a new handheld point-of-care blood gas analyser
 - 15.07.2016 Echocardiographic Assessment of the Left Atrium in Horses
 - 15.07.2016 MHC I and II expression in horses with immune-mediated myositis
 - 11.07.2016 Storage time and temperature and the results of analysis of synovial and mesothelial fluids
 - 10.07.2016 Comparison of diagnostic tests for insulin dysregulation in adult light-breed horses
 - 09.07.2016 Treatment of the equine metabolic syndrome (EMS)
 - 09.07.2016 Risk factors for exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage in Thoroughbred racehorses
 - 08.07.2016 Hoof lamellar pathology in horses with PPID
 - 05.07.2016 Repeatability of an oral glucose test in ponies
 - 02.07.2016 Exertional heat illness in racing thoroughbreds
 - 27.06.2016 Early herniorrhaphy of large traumatic abdominal wounds
 - 17.06.2016 Predictive value of toxic hypoglycin A metabolites in horses with atypical myopathy
 - 15.06.2016 Unusual cause of acute dyspnea and ventral sternal edema in a horse
 - 01.06.2016 New perspective of the aetiopathogenesis of equine periodontal disease
 - 25.05.2016 Analysis of cortisol response in the horse
 - 25.05.2016 Primary closure of equine laryngotomy incisions
 - 23.05.2016 MRI in neonatal encephalopathy in a foal
 - 22.05.2016 Sequelae to repeated testicular biopsies in stallions
 - 25.04.2016 Change in equine tumours over the last three decades in the UK
 - 22.04.2016 Anticataract potential of seabuckthorn leaf extract
 - 17.04.2016 Malignant transformation of B lymphocytes in a horse with IMMK
 - 15.04.2016 Sternal ZipFix® Implant for Prosthetic Laryngoplasty in Horses
 - 08.04.2016 Changes in the faecal microbiota of mares and post partum colic
 - 28.03.2016 Comparison of 4 Suture Materials for Laparoscopic Bladder Closure in Horses
 - 25.03.2016 Equine faecal microbiota transplant - a novel therapeutic option?
 - 24.03.2016 Treatment of sustained monomorphic narrow-complex ventricular tachycardia in a mare
 - 19.03.2016 Effects of acupuncture treatment on gait parameters in horses
 - 14.03.2016 Primary closure of equine laryngotomy incisions - healing and complications
 - 08.03.2016 Oral prednisolone and the risk of laminitis in horses
 - 26.02.2016 Factors influencing serum free cortisol fraction and insulin in horses
 - 26.02.2016 Optimised injection technique for the navicular bursa in horses
 - 20.02.2016 Intravenous fresh frozen plasma in sick neonatal foals
 - 16.02.2016 Recent developments in prosthetic laryngoplasty in horses with RNL
 - 09.02.2016 Serum amyloid A and plasma fibrinogen in horses undergoing emergency abdominal surgery
 - 07.02.2016 CT apppearance of melanomas in the head of horses
 - 05.02.2016 Intramuscular low-dose medetomidine plus butorphanol or methadone in dogs
 - 02.02.2016 Clearance of intra-articular applied corticosteroids in racehorses
 - 01.02.2016 Foot placement, foot conformation and movement asymmetry of the equine forelimb
 - 30.01.2016 Oscillometric blood pressure in standing horses - accuracy and precision
 - 30.01.2016 Biological variation of thromboelastrography variables in healthy horses
 - 28.01.2016 Clearance of corticosteroids following intra-articular administration of clinical doses in horses
 - 22.01.2016 Nutritional management of the orphan foal
 - 14.01.2016 CT appearance of sinonasal neoplasia in horses
 - 04.01.2016 Different IgG-assays to identify foals with Rhodococcus equi pneumonia
 - 04.01.2016 Acid base imbalances and their association with survival in neonatal foals
 - 28.12.2015 Shear mouth in two horses associated with ipsilateral painful dental disease
 - 22.12.2015 Idiopathic hopping-like forelimb lameness syndrome in horses
 - 14.12.2015 Front hoof conformation and palmar process fractures of the distal phalanx in foals
 - 12.12.2015 Transthecal Arthroscopy of the Palmar Distal Interphalangeal Joint in the Horse
 - 07.12.2015 Elastographic evaluation of tendon and ligament injuries of the distal limb in horses
 - 30.11.2015 Locking Compression Plate Fixation of Tarsal Subluxations in Horses
 - 24.11.2015 Clinical features and diagnosis of sacroiliac joint region pain in horses
 - 14.11.2015 Anatomy of the dorsal and ventral nasal conchal bullae in normal horses
 - 27.10.2015 Quantitative molecular viral loads in horses with naturally occurring EHV-1 infection
 - 24.10.2015 Oscillometric blood pressure in standing conscious horses
 - 16.10.2015 Ocular changes in Quarter horses with hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia
 - 13.10.2015 Diagnostic imaging of incomplete proximal fractures of P1 in horses
 - 12.10.2015 Plasma Peak and Trough Gentamicin Concentrations after intravenous administration in horses
 - 09.10.2015 Modified lamellar keratoplasties in equine deep stromal abscesses
 - 06.10.2015 Paravertebral malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour (MPNST) in a Lipizzaner
 - 02.10.2015 Equine atypical myopathy caused by hypoglycin A intoxication
 - 01.10.2015 NSAID-associated right dorsal colitis in horses
 - 30.09.2015 Surgical management of atresia ani and perineal hypospadias in a donkey
 - 30.09.2015 Pathogenesis of osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD) in horses
 - 30.09.2015 Delayed metastasis of ocular squamous cell carcinoma following treatment
 - 29.09.2015 Percutaneous ultrasound to locate cryptorchid testes in horses
 - 25.09.2015 Shear mouth in two horses associated with ipsilateral painful dental disease
 - 21.09.2015 rTPA in The Treatment of Fibrinous Pleuropneumonia in Horses
 - 16.09.2015 Management of apposing, full-thickness tracheal perforations in horses
 - 13.09.2015 Surgical therapy of a mandibular degloving injury in a young horse
 - 30.08.2015 Gammaherpes-Keratoconjunctivitis in a group of Icelandic horses
 - 26.08.2015 Total intravenous anaesthesia in mules
 - 25.08.2015 Successful therapy of an oral SCC in a Quarter Horse
 - 24.08.2015 Environmental risk factors for deep stromal abscesses in horses
 - 24.08.2015 Serum amyloid A and plasma fibrinogen in horses undergoing emergency abdominal surgery
 - 24.08.2015 New technique to collect mesenchymal stromal cell in horses
 - 23.08.2015 Portable oxygen concentrator for treatment of hypoxemia during equine field anesthesia
 - 11.08.2015 Hopping-like forelimb lameness syndrome in ridden horses
 - 24.07.2015 Novel surgical technique for type III distal phalanx fracture in horses
 - 18.07.2015 Dysphagia in horses - nutritonal support
 - 15.07.2015 Correlation between histopathology and MRT in the stifles of healthy horses
 - 12.07.2015 Central corneal thickness of the growing equine eye
 - 08.07.2015 Exercise testing in athletic horses
 - 04.07.2015 Sonographic appearance of normal and injured lateral patellar ligaments in horses
 - 03.07.2015 Medial patellar ligament splitting in horses with upward fixation of the patella
 - 02.07.2015 Equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis - therapy and prognosis
 - 28.06.2015 3 bandage/splint constructs for stabilization of equine midmetacarpal fractures
 - 20.06.2015 Diagnostic imaging in equine dental diseases
 - 15.06.2015 Ultrasound-guided heart biopsies in standing horses
 - 10.06.2015 Expression of oxytocin receptors and fetal membrane retention in heavy mares
 - 07.06.2015 Diffusion of mepivacaine to adjacent synovial structures after intrasynovial analgesia
 - 06.06.2015 Lamellar changes in horses with pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction
 - 03.06.2015 Novel technique for standing hand-assisted laparoscopic splenectomy
 - 01.06.2015 Pirfenidone for treating equine corneal scarring
 - 28.05.2015 Clinical features and diagnosis of sacroiliac joint region pain in horses
 - 21.05.2015 Furosemide in exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH)
 - 18.05.2015 Re-evaluation of the sepsis score in equine neonates
 - 13.05.2015 Three doses of omeprazole in the treatment of equine gastric ulcer syndrome
 - 06.05.2015 Novel technique for penile amputation and preputial ablation in the horse
 - 02.05.2015 Changes in the faecal microbiota prior to post partum colic
 - 30.04.2015 Myocard injury and arrhythmias after acute hemorrhage in horses
 - 29.04.2015 Tear ferning test and its correlation with ocular surface evaluation in horses
 - 20.04.2015 Murray Valley encephalitis in a young horse in Queensland
 - 13.04.2015 Survival and subsequent fertility of mares treated for uterine torsion
 - 08.04.2015 Portable oxygen concentrator for treatment of hypoxemia during equine field anesthesia
 - 05.04.2015 Commercial IgE-based food allergen tests in healthy horses
 - 03.04.2015 Optimised injection technique for the navicular bursa in horses
 - 28.03.2015 Exertional rhabdomyolysis in competing endurance horses
 - 26.03.2015 Seven methods for continuous therapeutic cooling of the equine digit
 - 23.03.2015 Standing removal of an elbow fracture in an adult horse
 - 18.03.2015 TNT testing in the donkey
 - 15.03.2015 Myocardial damage after hemorrhage in horses
 - 05.03.2015 Epidemiology of shivering in horses
 - 28.02.2015 Xylazine and the LiDCO sensor in isoflurane anaesthetized horses
 - 27.02.2015 Correlation between radiography and MRI in the equine foot
 - 23.02.2015 Tracheal Resection and Anastomosis in a Horse
 - 28.01.2015 Osteopontin in healing wounds in horses and in human keloids
 - 27.01.2015 Laryngeal ultrasonography versus endoscopy in Warmblood horses
 - 26.01.2015 Histopathology of the intrinsic laryngeal musculature in horses with dynamic laryngeal collapse
 - 15.01.2015 Grading of erythema in the canine skin
 - 09.01.2015 Antimicrobials in the treatment of sepsis and critical illness-related bacterial infections
 - 07.01.2015 Plasma D-dimer concentration and coagulopathies in horses with colic
 - 04.01.2015 Pemphigus vulgaris in a 9-year-old Welsh pony stallion (case report)
 - 01.01.2015 Skeletal metastases from a penile squamous cell carcinoma in a horse
 - 26.12.2014 Post operative ileus in horses - a review
 - 19.12.2014 Pirfenidone to treat corneal scarring in horses
 - 17.12.2014 Age and sex-dependend pancreatic β cell function in healthy foals
 - 06.12.2014 Bacteraemia and host response in healthy neonatal foals
 - 03.12.2014 New graft technique to treat keratomalacia in equine patients
 - 29.11.2014 Midazolam and diazepam as co-induction agents with ketamine in ponies undergoing field castration
 - 21.11.2014 Novel equine ocular disorder - clinical and histopathological characteristics
 - 16.11.2014 Standing laryngoplasty in standing non-racing horses
 - 12.11.2014 Unusual cause of colic symptoms in a yearling
 - 08.11.2014 Flecainide as antiarrhythmic drug in horses
 - 07.11.2014 Clinical approaches to antagonism of alpha2-adrenoreceptor agonists in the horse
 - 04.11.2014 Modified lamellar keratoplasties in deep stromal abscesses in horses
 - 28.10.2014 Clinical approaches to antagonism of alpha2-adrenoreceptor agonists in horses
 - 28.10.2014 New technique to treat deep stromal abscesses in horses
 - 17.10.2014 Parotid salivary gland carcinoma in an old horse
 - 12.10.2014 Desflurane inhalational anaesthesia in horses - experiences in practice
 - 02.10.2014 Noninvasive blood pressure measurement in isoflurane-anaesthetized horses
 - 29.09.2014 Airborne particulates (PM10) and tracheal mucus
 - 28.09.2014 Prophylactic digital cryotherapy to reduce laminitis incidence in horses with colitis
 - 27.09.2014 Agreement of reporting orthopaedic findings on presale radiographs
 - 27.09.2014 Longitudinal endoscopy for exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage in Thoroughbred racehorses
 - 26.09.2014 Blue light and the breeding season in mares
 - 26.09.2014 OCD of the distal sagittal ridge of the McIII
 - 21.09.2014 Quarter horses with hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia
 - 27.08.2014 Osteochondritis dissecans of the distal sagittal ridge of the equine Mc III
 - 23.08.2014 First description of a bilateral malformation of the humerus in Quarter Horses
- 22.08.2014 Importation of clade 2 equine influenza virus in an adult horse from Germany
- 06.08.2014 Effects of slow intravenous injection of tramadol, romifidine or both in ponies
 - 01.08.2014 Complications After Perineal Urethrotomy in Equids
 - 29.07.2014 Swim Training to Improve Athletic Performance of Mangalarga Marchador Horses
 - 26.07.2014 SPF wound dressing in distal limb wounds in horses
 - 26.07.2014 Plasma iron concentration in horses with systemic inflammation
 - 25.07.2014 Comparison between different extracapsular stabilisation of canine CCL rupture
 - 21.07.2014 Effect of magnetic blankets on healthy horses
 - 13.07.2014 Diffusion characteristics after perineural injection of the deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve
 - 11.07.2014 Genetic Parameters and Breeding Values for Semen Characteristics in 30 Hanoverian Stallions
 - 02.07.2014 Primary hyperparathyroidism in a pony
 - 30.06.2014 Thyroid Function/Dysfunction in Term and Premature Equine Neonates
 - 28.06.2014 Brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER) in foals
 - 24.06.2014 Combination therapy for controlling equine cyathostomins
 - 22.06.2014 Unusual cause of carpal hyperextension in a Percheron mare
 - 07.06.2014 Evaluation of phacoemulsification and aspiration in horses
 - 31.05.2014 Luteoprotective Role of eCG During Pregnancy in the Mare.
 - 30.05.2014 Optimizing the omeprazole dose in horses with gastric ulcers
 - 30.05.2014 Exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage and long-term performance in racehorses
 - 30.05.2014 Surgical stress and the cytokine content in autologous conditioned serum
 - 27.05.2014 Prevalence of equine papillomavirus 2 (EcPV2) among horses in Switzerland
 - 23.05.2014 Comparison of 2 Equine Transfixation Pin Casts
 - 13.05.2014 Ultrasonographic measurement of renal dimensions in horses
 - 10.05.2014 Contrast-enhanced computed tomography to diagnose distal deep digital flexor tendinopathy
 - 09.05.2014 Unusual cause for ataxy in a horse
 - 26.04.2014 Prevalence and risk factors for hyperinsulinaemia in ponies in Queensland
- 26.04.2014 Unusual cause of hindlimb lameness in a Warmblood
- 20.04.2014 Update on equine piroplasmosis
 - 16.04.2014 Comparison of two commercially available firocoxib products in horses
 - 14.04.2014 Incisional hernia repair in horses with endoscopic component separation
 - 14.04.2014 Optimizing diagnostic tests for equine strangles
- 12.04.2014 Exotic disease threats in horses in the UK
 - 11.04.2014 Contrast-enhanced computed tomographic evaluation of the deep digital flexor tendon
- 10.04.2014 Vascular perfusion of the condyles of the equine third metacarpal bone
- 09.04.2014 Troponin assays to assess the equine myocardium
- 05.04.2014 Semiconductor diode trans-scleral cyclophotocoagulation on the buphthalmic equine globe
 - 31.03.2014 Treatment of nonhealing corneal ulcers in horses with diamond burr debridement
 - 30.03.2014 MRI of a comminuted central tarsal bone fracture in a horse
 - 30.03.2014 Anaplastic malignant melanoma of the tail in pigmented horses
- 30.03.2014 Chronic, destructive, septic arthritis of the temporomandibular joint in a horse
- 30.03.2014 Success rate of laparoscopic castration without orchidectomy in mature horses
- 30.03.2014 Orbital fractures in horses
- 29.03.2014 Small intestinal segmental volvulus in horses after gastroscopy
- 28.03.2014 Standing computed tomography of the equine head
- 24.03.2014 Endodontic treatment of a mandibular premolar abscess in a horse
- 18.03.2014 Methods for Equine Preantral Follicles Isolation
 - 14.03.2014 Fixation of chronic suture exostosis in an adult horse
- 14.03.2014 First cases of CHD in foals in Europe
- 07.03.2014 Ultrasound-guided injection of the maxillary nerve in horses
- 03.03.2014 Distichiasis in the Friesian horse
 - 25.02.2014 Role of C. perfringens as primary agent of diarrhoea in foals
 - 21.02.2014 Factors affecting live foal rates after manual twin elimination
 - 16.02.2014 Palmar carpal ligament tear causing carpal hyperextension in a Percheron
 - 14.02.2014 Insulin Dysregulation in horses
- 11.02.2014 The nasolacrimal duct of the mule
 - 06.02.2014 Recurrent airway obstruction in horses - a review
- 04.02.2014 Diagnosis and therapy of a tiger snake envenomation in a horse
 - 28.01.2014 A commercial foot pump for emergency ventilation of horses
 - 25.01.2014 Dynamic epiglottic retroversion in six adult horses
 - 23.01.2014 Ataxy associated with cervical extradural haematoma in a horse
- 22.01.2014 Endodontic treatment of a mandibular premolar abscess in a horse
- 19.01.2014 Viscoelastic and traditional coagulation testing in horses with gastrointestinal disease
 - 18.01.2014 Standing computed tomography of the equine head
- 13.01.2014 Prevalence and Risk Factors for Cardiac Diseases in Horses
 - 12.01.2014 Larnygeal fistula formation as complication of laryngoplasty
- 11.01.2014 Successful surgical correction of a closed femur fracture in a donkey
- 03.01.2014 Investigations of the trigeminal nerve in horses with idiopathic headshaking
 - 29.12.2013 Plasma D-Dimer Concentrations during Experimental EHV-1 Infection
 - 29.12.2013 Mandibular corrective osteotomy using novel locking compression plate in a filly
- 25.12.2013 Methods for Equine Preantral Follicles Isolation
- 21.12.2013 Novel therapy of osteochondrosis dissecans in a thoroughbred filly
 - 15.12.2013 Marbofloxacin Administered by Regional Intravenous Limb Perfusion in Standing Horses
 - 07.12.2013 Foaling Rates After Surgical Repair of Ventral Cervical Lacerations via Trendelenburg Position
 - 25.11.2013 Intra-Abdominal Pressure in Cribbing Horses
 - 19.11.2013 Hyperinsulinaemia and its consequences in the equine digit
 - 29.10.2013 Solitary primary uveal T-cell lymphoma in a horse
 - 13.10.2013 Polymerase chain reaction testing in horses with mycotic ulcerative keratitis
 - 03.10.2013 Inflammatory markers in previously laminitic ponies
 - 19.09.2013 Equine keratomycosis in Switzerland
 - 10.09.2013 Relationship between hindlimb lameness and saddle slip
 - 05.09.2013 Phase I Dose Escalation of Doxorubicin in Tumor-Bearing Equidae
 - 27.08.2013 Coat Color Genotypes and Melanoma in Gray Quarter Horses
 - 26.08.2013 Cyclosporine drug delivery device in horses with immune-mediated keratitis (IMMK)
 - 29.07.2013 Titanium LCP-DF plate for a femoral fracture in a young donkey
 - 28.07.2013 Multimodal therapy of a facial nerve paralysis in a horse
 - 27.07.2013 Comparison of two glucose monitoring systems in critically ill neonatal foals
 - 26.07.2013 Surgical management of a septic arthritis of the temporomandibular joint in a horse
 - 20.07.2013 Surgical management of a fracture of the greater tubercle of the humerus in a standing horse
 - 27.06.2013 Ephedrine versus phenylephrine and cardiopulmonary parameters in horses undergoing elective surgery
 - 25.06.2013 Glanders in animals - an update
 - 14.06.2013 Distal fracture of the navicular bone - a primary cause for lameness?
 - 13.06.2013 Polyodontia in donkeys - an underdiagnosed phenomenon?
 - 12.06.2013 Results of magnetic resonance imaging in 38 horses with hind foot lameness
 - 10.06.2013 Retrobulbar nerve block and heart rate in horses undergoing enucleation
 - 25.05.2013 Equine meningoencephalitis due to neosporosis
 - 22.05.2013 Injuries to the digital flexor tendon sheath in horses
 - 19.05.2013 Aseptic preparation of the skin before arthrocentesis in horses
 - 14.05.2013 Fourth branchial arch defects in equine full-siblings
 - 08.05.2013 MK-467 in horses sedated with detomidine
 - 05.05.2013 Novel biomarker in synovial fluid for the diagnosis of infection
 - 29.04.2013 Effects of Intravenous and Enteral Rehydration in Horses
 - 28.04.2013 Risk factors for pasture-associated laminitis in light breed horses
 - 22.04.2013 Ultrasonographic examination of the equine sesamoidean ligaments
 - 13.04.2013 Corneal ulcers - the major source of ocular pain in horses
 - 10.04.2013 Fibro-osseous metacarpal bone tumour in a Thoroughbred filly
 - 06.04.2013 Ultrasound-guided autologous bone marrow transfer in suspensory ligament desmitis
 - 05.04.2013 Diode laser endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation in healthy horses
 - 31.03.2013 Sevoflurane and myeloperoxidase release and activity in horses
 - 31.03.2013 Retinoscopic findings in 333 horses and ponies in the UK
- 19.03.2013 Pemphigus vulgaris in a Welsh pony stallion
 - 17.03.2013 New Cell Culture Device for Stallion Semen
 - 15.03.2013 Creeping indigo poisoning of three ponies
 - 13.03.2013 Congenital odontogenic keratocyst in a horse
 - 12.03.2013 Equine sarcoid - an update
 - 09.03.2013 Continuous perineural blockade of the palmar nerves in the distal equine forelimb
 - 27.02.2013 Azithromycin in adult horses
 - 19.02.2013 Keratomycosis in horses in Japan
 - 18.02.2013 Refractive state of the Spanish Thoroughbred versus crossbred horse
 - 17.02.2013 Current perspectives of melanoma in horses
 - 10.02.2013 Serum anti-Müllerian hormone concentration to diagnose granulosa-cell tumours in mares
 - 09.02.2013 Sinonasal disorders on MRI images
 - 30.01.2013 Hoof conformation and performance in racing Thoroughbred
 - 15.01.2013 Complications associated with transurethral endoscopic-assisted electrohydraulic lithotripsy
 - 13.01.2013 Function of the ramus communicans of the Nn. palmares mediales et laterales in horses
 - 12.01.2013 Elimination half-life of equine cardiac troponin I after intravenous application
 - 04.01.2013 Unusual cause for a colicking horse
 - 02.01.2013 Effects of a Single Intra-Articular Injection of 2% Lidocaine or 0.5% Bupivacaine on the cartilage
 - 27.12.2012 Strangulating small intestinal lesions in horses and associated bacterial translocation
 - 10.12.2012 Szintigraphy versus radiography to diagnose dental diseases in horses
 - 08.12.2012 Tarsocrural joint pathology causing lameness in adult horses
 - 01.12.2012 Borrelia-associated uveitis in two horses
 - 21.11.2012 Fractures of the tibial malleoli in horses
 - 15.11.2012 Fractures of the withers in horses - prognosis and long-term outcome
 - 10.11.2012 Bilateral dentigerous cysts in a young standardbred horse
 - 06.11.2012 Unusual ovarian activity preceding an ovarian tumor in a mare
 - 04.11.2012 Detomidine hydrochloride and the electroretinogram in healthy thoroughbred horses
 - 26.10.2012 Surgical repair of a bladder rupture in two broodmares
 - 17.10.2012 Alfaxalone versus ketamine for induction of anaesthesia in horses
 - 14.10.2012 Laparoscopic castration in an equine male pseudohermaphrodite
 - 13.10.2012 Persistent endometritis after hysteroscopic insemination in mares
 - 08.10.2012 The equine ECG and its interpretation
 - 07.10.2012 Complications of castrations in horses
 - 06.10.2012 Carpal hyperextension and its role in superficial digital flexor tendinopathy
 - 01.10.2012 Unusual cause of transient hyperammonaemia and enteral encephalopathy in a pony
 - 30.09.2012 Temporohyoid osteoarthropathy in horses - neurological signs and management
 - 29.09.2012 Deep lamellar endothelial keratoplasty in horses
 - 29.09.2012 Pulse pressure and systolic pressure variation in horses under general anesthesia
- 25.09.2012 Corneal transplantation for inflammatory keratopathies in horses
 - 23.09.2012 Congenital diaphramatic hernia in a neonatal foal
 - 21.09.2012 Idiopathic haemarthrosis in eight horses in Australia
 - 16.09.2012 CT appearance of sinonasal neoplasias of horses
 - 15.09.2012 Clenbuterol toxicosis after overdose in three Quarter Horse racehorses
 - 09.09.2012 Cytokines associated with Th17 cells in horses with recurrent uveitis
 - 08.09.2012 Medical Management of Suspected Ascending Colon Displacement in Horses
 - 02.09.2012 Extraperitoneal incisional abscess formation after colic surgery in horses
 - 01.09.2012 Persistent endometrial cups in two successive pregnancies
 - 25.08.2012 Osteochondrosis and osteochondral fragments in Standardbred trotters
 - 18.08.2012 Intraocular findings in horses with depigmented punctate chorioretinal foci
 - 12.08.2012 Two approaches for inferior alveolar nerve block in the horse
 - 04.08.2012 Unusual tumour on the head of an geriatric donkey
 - 29.07.2012 Headshaking caused by fungal sinusitis in horses
 - 28.07.2012 Injuries of the calcaneal insertions of the superficial digital flexor tendon
 - 27.07.2012 Post operative infection and perioperative antimicrobial drugs use in surgical colic patients
- 26.07.2012 Proximal hindlimb flexion in horses: 5 versus 60 seconds
- 26.07.2012 Risk factors for race-associated sudden death in thoroughbred racehorses
- 24.07.2012 Ethanol in the treatment of equine distal tarsal joint osteoarthritis
- 23.07.2012 Chondroitin sulphate to indicate abnormal joint metabolism in asymptomatic osteochondritic hors
- 22.07.2012 Phenylbutazone in horses
 - 21.07.2012 Normal dark adaptation curve of the horse
 - 15.07.2012 Transection of digital extensor tendons in racehorses
 - 08.07.2012 Combined decongestive therapy of chronic progressive lymphoedema
 - 07.07.2012 Intravenous medetomidine in the horse - pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
 - 30.06.2012 Novel presentation of equine papillomavirus type 2 infection
 - 26.06.2012 Romifidine constant rate infusion with or without butorphanol for standing sedation of horses
 - 24.06.2012 New informations regarding freezing equine semen
 - 17.06.2012 Heart Rate Variability in the Pregnant Mare and its Foetus
 - 10.06.2012 Computed tomography to diagnose an ectopic ureter in a filly
 - 09.06.2012 Thrombelastography in healthy versus sick and septic foals
 - 03.06.2012 Characteristic catastrophal scapular fractures in racehorses
 - 02.06.2012 First description of a Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis-associated Otitis media/interna in a horse
 - 27.05.2012 Hay with different carbohydrate content in horses with polysaccharide storage myopath
 - 20.05.2012 Abnormal scintigraphic findings of equine ribs
 - 05.05.2012 Optimized Staphylococcus aureus adhesion assay for equine corneocytes
 - 25.04.2012 MRI in the diagnosis of navicular bone diseases in horses
 - 22.04.2012 Accurate radiological interpretation of the equine navicular bone
 - 21.04.2012 Drug pharmacology and therapeutics in donkeys
 - 08.04.2012 Plasma endotoxin and its relevance in horses in a referral hospital
 - 01.04.2012 Unilateral abscess of the orbital lacrimal gland in a horse
 - 15.03.2012 New aspects in the pathogenesis of chronic laminitis in horses
 - 11.03.2012 Obtaining liquor cerebrospinalis in the standing horse
 - 08.03.2012 Biomechanics of the laryngeal cartilage of horses
 - 04.03.2012 Desmotomy of the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon in Thoroughbreds
 - 26.02.2012 Rocuronium bromide for ophthalmic surgery in horses
 - 19.02.2012 Prognostic indicators for adult horses with infection of a synovial structure
 - 04.02.2012 Ultrastructural changes in the equine colon after ischaemia and reperfusion
 - 28.01.2012 Incidence of ocular abnormalities in Miniature Horses
 - 15.01.2012 Ultrasonography of the lung borders in healthy Warmblood horses
 - 09.01.2012 Minimally Invasive Arthrodesis Technique for the Carpometacarpal Joint in Horses
 - 24.12.2011 Dantrolene in horses - pharmacokinetics and metabolism
 - 17.12.2011 Colocolic intussusception in a horse (case report)
 - 11.12.2011 Clinical Diagnosis of West Nile Fever in Equids
 - 07.12.2011 Prognostic indicators for adult horses with infection of a synovial structure
 - 16.11.2011 Transport of glucose in the equine hoof
 - 07.11.2011 Ultrasonographic diagnosis of injuries to the deep digital flexor tendon and associated structures
 - 05.11.2011 Reversal of detomidine induced bradycardia in horses
 - 02.11.2011 Barefoot trimming and hoof morphology
 - 16.10.2011 Intestinal hyperammonaemia in 36 horses
 - 06.10.2011 Diagnosis of ventricular septal defects in horses
 - 25.09.2011 Equine influenza - a review
 - 17.09.2011 Toll-like receptors in the equine eye
 - 12.09.2011 Update in equine lymphoma
 - 06.09.2011 Gastric ulcer syndrome in high-level endurance horses
 - 03.09.2011 Expression of various Toll-like receptors in the healthy equine eye
 - 25.08.2011 Metabolic and hepatic changes in horses undergoing colic surgery
 - 17.08.2011 Scedosporium apiospermum-induced subconjunctival mycetoma in a horse
 - 05.08.2011 Peripartal endocrinology in mare and fetus
 - 24.07.2011 Update on septic arthritis in young foals
 - 19.07.2011 Prostate Glycoconjugates in Stallion and Gelding
 - 09.07.2011 Transient Type 1-diabetes in a neonatal foal
 - 02.07.2011 Computed tomography to assist orthopaedic surgery in horses
 - 28.06.2011 Pharmacokinetics and in vitro cyclooxygenase selectivity of deracoxib in horses
 - 20.06.2011 Ketamine versus alfaxalone in castration of ponies
 - 09.06.2011 Unusual presentation of a severe hepatopathy in a horse
 - 21.05.2011 Efficacy of 0,2% terbinafine solution in mycotic eye infections in horses
 - 18.05.2011 In vivo diagnosis of fungal keratitis in horses
 - 15.05.2011 Risk factors for foot-related lameness in horses
 - 15.04.2011 Congestive heart failure in horses
 - 07.04.2011 Endoscopic findings in horses with dynamic laryngeal collapse and palatal dysfunction
 - 02.04.2011 Laparascopic evaluation of the equine oviduct
 - 25.03.2011 Effects of short-term training in hot conditions
 - 16.03.2011 NSAIDs in an equine embryo transfer programme
 - 11.03.2011 Standing Lateral Thoracotomy in Horses
 - 04.03.2011 Thromboelastography in healthy horses and horses with inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders
 - 08.02.2011 Claviceps paspali infections in horses
 - 06.02.2011 2 D- and M-Mode reference values for thoroughbred foals
 - 28.01.2011 Medical therapy of horses with foot pain
 - 24.01.2011 Histropathologic changes in ponies with insulin-induced laminitis
 - 18.01.2011 The soft palate muscles of the horses
 - 08.01.2011 Histopathologic alterations of insulin-induced laminitis in ponies
 - 06.01.2011 Laparoscopic uteropexy in mares
 - 04.01.2011 Electron microscopy from horses with onychomycosis
 - 02.01.2011 Haylage-only diet in Icelandic horses
 - 21.12.2010 How common are transfusion reactions to commercial equine plasma?
 - 19.12.2010 Intramuscular amino acid levels in submaximally exercised horses
 - 10.12.2010 Response of Equine Endometrium to Insemination
 - 08.12.2010 Metallic foreign body in the craniocervical region of a horse
 - 02.12.2010 Equine Gammaherpesviruses from Horses with Respiratory Tract Disease in Turkey
 - 22.11.2010 Postsurgical infections in horses with long bone fractures
 - 15.11.2010 Tiludronate infusions to treat bone spavin
 - 11.11.2010 Computed tomography imaging in equine intracranial conditions
 - 07.11.2010 Mitomycin C in corneal scarring in horses
 - 03.11.2010 Scanning electron microscopy to diagnose equine onychomycosis
 - 01.11.2010 Expression of inflammatory genes in equine laminitis
 - 29.10.2010 Dynamic upper respiratory videoscopy in performance horses with respiratory noises
 - 26.10.2010 Mononuclear cells in normal and affected laminae in the laminitis-model
 - 24.10.2010 Robinia intoxication in two dutch ponies
 - 18.10.2010 Blood culture medium to culture equine synovia fluid
 - 15.10.2010 Intrauterine application of plant oils to induce luteolysis in horses
 - 13.10.2010 Validity of CT in horses with suspected intracranial disorders
 - 07.10.2010 Induced tendon lesions in the equine superficial digital flexor tendon
 - 06.10.2010 Imiquimod in equine aural plaques
 - 02.10.2010 Spurious hypercreatininemia in neonatal foals
 - 29.09.2010 Pathogenetic role of bovine papillomaviruses in equine sarcoids
 - 20.09.2010 Accuracy of an ELISA feces test for equine Clostridium difficile infection
 - 16.09.2010 Relationship between race performance and superficial digital flexor tendonitis in thoroughbreds
 - 07.09.2010 MRI versus histology in alterations of the equine distal sesamoidean impar ligament
 - 29.08.2010 Reproduction after surgery of vesicovaginal reflux in horses
 - 26.08.2010 New technique for carpal retinaculum release in horses (case report)
 - 17.08.2010 Prevalence and therapy of ulcerative keratitis in Japanese thoroughbred racehorses
 - 15.08.2010 Quantitative Analysis of Stress Echocardiograms in Healthy Horses
 - 11.08.2010 Clinical signs of lead toxicosis in an Irish horse (case report)
 - 05.08.2010 Incidence and sequela of dystocia in Friesian horses
 - 02.08.2010 Prognosis after surgical management of sand colic impactions in horses
 - 30.07.2010 Suspected Ross River virus infection of horses in Australia
 - 18.07.2010 Tracheal shape in donkeys with and without tracheal obstruction
 - 11.07.2010 How repeatable is subjective evaluation of lameness in horses?
 - 07.07.2010 Intestinal hyperammonaemia in the horse
 - 30.06.2010 Typhlocolitis in aged donkeys
 - 24.06.2010 Arginin vasopressin concentration in horses before colic surgery
 - 17.06.2010 Risk Factors for Haemorrhagic Anovulatory Follicles in Horses
 - 13.06.2010 Tips and tricks in freezing equine semen
 - 25.05.2010 Treatment of persistent dorsal displacement of the soft palate in racehorses
 - 18.05.2010 Secondary dentinal problems in cheek teeth of horses with pulpitis
 - 16.05.2010 Collagen and haemosiderin in the lungs of horses with EIPH
 - 29.04.2010 Measurement of cardiac output of neonatal foals with different techniques
 - 20.04.2010 Factors influencing morbidity and mortality in horses with small intestinal volvulus
 - 20.03.2010 Does equine serum support the proliferation of Str. zooepidemicus or Ps. aeruginosa?
 - 15.03.2010 Lidocaine patches as analgetics in horses
 - 13.03.2010 Iris abscesses in horses - clinical and histological findings
 - 08.03.2010 Arthrodesis of the Equine Proximal Interphalangeal Joint
 - 06.03.2010 Diagnosis of coagulopathies in neonatal foals
 - 02.02.2010 Central venous pressure measurement in normal horses
 - 20.01.2010 Additional radiographic projection of the equine temporomandibular joint
 - 10.01.2010 Ultrasonographic diagnosis of coxofemoral subluxation in horses
 - 05.01.2010 Role of Clara Cell Secretory Protein in equine recurrent airway obstruction
 - 03.01.2010 Keratomycosis in horses: clinical signs and outcome
 - 02.01.2010 Clostridium-perfringens-induced hemolytic anemia in a pony (case report)
 - 01.01.2010 Paranasal sinus fibromatosis in a middle-aged horse
 - 24.12.2009 Direct versus indirect measurement of intra-abdominal pressure in horses
 - 10.12.2009 Role of CXCL1 in equine laminitis
 - 06.12.2009 Do cellular blue naevi exist in horses?
 - 30.11.2009 New insights in the pathogenesis of equine sarcoids
 - 24.11.2009 New form of fescue-grass intoxication in horses
- 22.11.2009 Amikacin-joint-implants in horses
 - 20.11.2009 Low Dose of Equine Purified FSH for Induction of Multiple Ovulations in Mares
 - 19.11.2009 Bandaging and second intention wound healing in horses with distal limb wounds
 - 07.11.2009 Animal Rescue and Transportation Sling for emergency and clinical use in horses
 - 20.10.2009 Laparoscopic mesh hernioplasty in horses
 - 13.10.2009 Multinodular pulmonary fibrosis in horses due to Herpes infection
 - 21.09.2009 Immunologic changes in equine recurrent uveitis
 - 12.09.2009 Early foal health and dams´ reproductive health
 - 04.09.2009 Creatine kinase, exercise and insulin-resistance in Quarter horses with PSSM
 - 01.09.2009 Anesthetic-induced malignant hyperthermia in quarter horses
 - 25.08.2009 Central core-myopathy in a foal
 - 21.07.2009 CT results of equine temporohyoid osteoarthropathy
 - 25.06.2009 Sperm production and morpholgy in Swedish Warmblood Stallions
 - 17.06.2009 Circulating leptin concentrations during the year in Lipizzan fillies
 - 13.06.2009 Polydioxanone sutures in the repair of equine skull fractures
 - 02.06.2009 New technique of central venous pressure (CVP) measurement in horses
 - 05.05.2009 Representation of histologic findings of the equine digit via MRI
 - 26.04.2009 Correlation of MRI and histologic findings in horses with alterations in the distal foot
 - 31.03.2009 Topical treatment of equine cannon hyperkeratosis
 - 28.03.2009 Photodynamic therapy in equine periocular squamous cell carcinoma
 - 12.03.2009 MMP-9 as a marker of inflammation in horses with COPD
 - 06.03.2009 Tracheal aspirates versus bronchoalveolar lavage in racehorses
 - 01.03.2009 Head Position on Radiographic Assessment of Laryngeal Tie-Forward Procedure in Horses
 - 22.02.2009 Early identification of EHV-1 virus infection via nasal swab
 - 19.02.2009 Surgical intervention in horses with sand colic
 - 16.02.2009 Continuous peripheral nerve block in the distal equine limb
 - 05.01.2009 Multinodular pulmonary fibrosis in horses due to Herpesvirus infection
 - 29.12.2008 Piroplasmosis outbreak in Florida
- 23.12.2008 Racing performance of thoroughbred racehorses after surgery of apical proximal sesamoid fracture
 - 05.12.2008 Equine fibrocartilaginous embolic myelopathy
 - 21.11.2008 Influence of body mass and thorax dimension on anaesthesia in ponies and horses
 - 24.10.2008 New lesions in equine exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage
 - 22.10.2008 Abnormal radiographic findings and their relationship to racing performance
 - 21.10.2008 Causes of the Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome
 - 10.10.2008 Allergen threshold concentrations in equine intradermal testing
 - 09.10.2008 Management of Bilateral Dynamic Laryngeal Collapse in Race Horses
 - 12.09.2008 Exogenous insulin and its effects on luteolysis and reproductive cyclicity in horses
 - 03.09.2008 Antibodies against Actinobacillus equuli in horses and foals
 - 15.08.2008 Blood culture isolates in critically ill neonatal foals
 - 14.08.2008 New insights in equine exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage
 - 22.07.2008 New thoracoscopic technique for large lung biopsies in horses
 - 13.07.2008 New technique for detection of equine red cell surface antigens
 - 09.07.2008 Locking compression plate (LCP) for fetlock arthrodesis in racehorses
 - 22.06.2008 New vaccines against West Nile virus infection
- 03.06.2008 Pregnancy rates of mares inseminated with sperm cooled before freezing
 - 21.05.2008 Semen technologies in aminal breeding
 - 06.05.2008 Obligate anaerobic bacteria in ulcerative keratitis of domestic animals
 - 17.02.2008 Pharmacokinetics of pentoxifylline in healthy horses
 - 14.02.2008 0.4% topical stannous fluoride gel for bacterial skin infections in horses
 - 08.02.2008 Suppurative facial cellulitis and panniculitis caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
 - 29.01.2008 Update in pericarditis in horses
 - 21.01.2008 Effect of EHV-1 and EHV-4 vaccination in Australia
 - 18.01.2008 Prevalence of equine herpesviruses in nasal secretions
 - 13.01.2008 Latent viral phase in horses with sarcoids?
 - 04.01.2008 Which clinical findings improve the prognosis in equine peritonitis?
 - 22.12.2007 Dermatitis due to Dermanyssus gallinae in a horse
 - 14.12.2007 Cardiovascular effects of enoximone in ponies with isoflurane anaesthesia
 - 08.12.2007 Pharmacokinetics of ciprofloxacin eyedrops in horses
 - 30.11.2007 Effect of ultrasound beam angle on cartilage thickness in horses
 - 22.11.2007 Costs of veterinary care in Swedish warmblooded riding horses
 - 12.11.2007 Calcified tumours of the paranasal sinuses in horses
- 03.10.2007 Vaccination of 50.000 horses against equine influenza virus in Australia
- 09.09.2007 Uterus unicornis in two horses
 - 04.09.2007 Equine influenza back in Japan
- 28.08.2007 Embryonic stem cells in companion animals
- 27.08.2007 Comparison of 3 common methods of glucose measurement in critically ill foals
 - 14.08.2007 Comparison of opioid receptor binding in horse, guinea pig, and rat
- 09.08.2007 Equine dental disorders - a review
- 06.08.2007 COMP and hyaluronan levels in synovia of horses with osteoarthritis
 - 31.07.2007 Progesterone and Caspase-3 Activation in Cyclic Corpora Lutea of Mares
 - 18.07.2007 Mitomycin C as an adjunctive treatment for equine ocular squamous cell carcinoma
 - 06.07.2007 Purpura haemorrhagica in horses
 - 26.06.2007 Cardiac troponin I in healthy thoroughbred horses
 - 08.06.2007 The role of leptospira in equine recurrent uveitis
 - 04.06.2007 Intravenous continuous infusion of lidocaine in equine ileus
 - 23.05.2007 Bacteraemia in neonatal foals: clinical differences associated with the causing bacteria
 - 21.05.2007 Role of Actinobacillus spp. in bacteremia of foals
- 17.05.2007 New insights in equine anhidrosis
 - 08.05.2007 Stromal tumors in the gastrointestinal tract of equids
 - 04.04.2007 Osteosarcoma in horses
- 20.03.2007 Viruses in nasal swab samples from horses with acute, febrile, respiratory disease
 - 12.03.2007 Disseminated acute aspergillosis and mucormycosis in a pony (case report)
 - 08.03.2007 Unusual manifestation of salmonellosis in a young foal (case report)
- 06.03.2007 Colonic ganglioneuromatosis in a horse (case report)
 - 01.03.2007 Mixed Hepatoblastoma with Teratoid Features in Three Horses
 - 22.02.2007 Retina changes in horses with Borna disease
 - 08.02.2007 Epithelioid variant of hemangioma and hemangiosarcoma in various species
- 31.01.2007 Intrathecal Amikacin Administration on Digital Flexor Tendon Sheath Synovial Fluid in Horses
 - 16.01.2007 Surgical treatment of extensive chondroid formation in the guttural pouch of a horse
 - 10.01.2007 West Nile Virus reaches humans in Argentina
- 31.12.2006 Incidence of Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy in Horses
- 19.12.2006 Experimental Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Infection in Horses
- 14.12.2006 Myosin Heavy Chain Composition in Normal and Atrophic Equine Laryngeal Muscle
- 11.12.2006 Continuous i.v. Infusion of Lidocaine for Treatment of Equine Ileus
- 13.11.2006 Use of the placenta in diagnosis of EHV-1 and EHV-4-infection
- 09.10.2006 Identification of Leptospira causing equine abortion
- 19.09.2006 New developments in European horse breeding
- 07.09.2006 Cricothyroid Muscle Function and Vocal Fold Stability in Horses
- 05.09.2006 Regional differences in the drug penetration through equine skin
- 14.08.2006 Pharmacokinetics of a single dose of diltiazem in horses
 - 01.08.2006 Laparoscopic Obliteration of the Nephrosplenic Space in Horses
- 18.07.2006 Imiquimod 5% cream in equine sarcoids
 - 27.06.2006 Equine Culicoides Hypersensitivity: Update of tests
- 24.06.2006 Proliferative enteropathy due to Lawsonia intracellularis in a filly
- 20.06.2006 Prevalence of osseous fragments in distal limbs of young Hanoverian horses
- 04.06.2006 A Fell Pony foal with severe combined immunodeficiency
- 31.05.2006 Vascular hamartoma in a horse
- 18.05.2006 News from the external ear canal of horses
- 15.05.2006 Ubiquitin staining in muscles of horses with Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy
- 11.05.2006 Does hyoscine spare dobutamine in halothane-anaesthetized horses?
 - 20.04.2006 Morphine administration in horses undergoing upper respiratory tract surgery
 - 02.04.2006 Lymphocyte alterations in horses with COPD
- 01.04.2006 More horse owners willing to do rabies vaccination in the USA
- 20.02.2006 Medetomidine- propofol-combination for total intravenous anaesthesia in horses
 - 20.02.2006 Increased incidence of postanesthetic myopathy in halothane-anesthetized horses
- 17.02.2006 Immunolocalization of aquaporin-5 expression in sweat gland cells of horses
- 15.02.2006 Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy - more common in horses than suspected
- 08.02.2006 Two different inactivated vaccines for prevention of Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in foals
- 31.01.2006 Clinical suitability of medetomidine-propofol infusions in horses
 - 25.01.2006 Acute blindness due to suspected ivermectin toxicosis in a foal
- 24.01.2006 Low dose insemination of mares with non-sorted versus sex-sorted sperm
- 19.01.2006 Dietary hyperparathyroidism in a herd of Andalusian horses
- 31.12.2005 Anderson Sling Suspension System for Horses after General Anesthesia
- 26.12.2005 Pustular calicivirus dermatitis on the abdomen of two cats after routine ovariectomy
- 22.12.2005 Intravenous anaesthesia in horses using medetomidine and propofol
- 18.12.2005 Radiography and histology of the centrodistal tarsal joint of Icelandic horses
- 08.12.2005 American foundations fuel equine education
- 05.12.2005 New perineural injection technique for the lateral palmar nerve in horses
- 03.12.2005 Diagnosis of deep digital flexor tendonitis via MRI in standing horses
- 23.10.2005 Funisitis associated with leptospiral infection in a horse
- 06.10.2005 Ovarian tumors in horses
 - 05.10.2005 Pharmacokinetics of acyclovir in adult healthy horses
- 25.09.2005 Thermal cautery of the cornea to treat spontaneous defects in horses and dogs
- 16.09.2005 First Death of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Patient in USA
- 07.08.2005 Hereditary regional dermal asthenia in three Brazilian Quarter horses
- 25.07.2005 Modern Reproductive Technologies to Horse Breeding
- 08.07.2005 Topical anesthetics versus local infiltration for episioplasty in mares
- 04.07.2005 l-Bupivacaine 0.5% or racemic 0.5% bupivacaine for caudal epidural analgesia in horses?
- 29.06.2005 Intracellular Ca2+ in equine chondrocytes during hypovolemic shock
- 20.06.2005 First outbreak of West Nile Virus in California
- 29.05.2005 Nociceptive indicators in isoflurane-anaesthetized horses
- 20.05.2005 Grass sickness and clostridium botulinum type C
- 17.05.2005 Laparoscopic ovariectomy in horses
- 10.05.2005 Role of IgE in equine urticaria
- 07.04.2005 Bilateral nodular lymphocytic conjunctivitis in a horse
- 31.03.2005 Sex reversal syndrome in a mare
- 22.03.2005 Effects of acepromazine on pulmonary gas exchange in horses
- 13.03.2005 Special requirements of endurance horses
- 08.03.2005 Cutaneous microflora in horses with and without skin diseases
- 03.03.2005 Recession sulcoplasty in three foals with patella luxation
 - 28.02.2005 Andrologic examination of older stallions
- 27.01.2005 Healing of deep digital flexor tenorrhaphy of horses
- 29.12.2004 Fibromyalgia in horses: an unknown disease
- 22.12.2004 Screening test for GBE1 developed
- 12.12.2004 Occult Subchondral Osseous Cyst-like Lesions as reason for lameness
- 28.11.2004 Variation of echocardiographic parameters within the `normal` horse population
- 19.11.2004 Do wild ungulates develop `natural` antiparasitic behaviour?
- 16.11.2004 Different corn processing techniques and the glycaemic and insulinaemic response in horses
- 31.10.2004 Effects of trimethoprim-sulfadiazine on tear production in horses
 - 28.10.2004 Therapy of equine classic and peripheral Cushing´s syndrome
- 12.10.2004 Fixed time insemination scheme in horses
- 03.10.2004 The colicking foal : the most common reasons
- 25.09.2004 Ultrasound of the solar aspect of the phalanx distalis in horses
- 18.09.2004 New surgical technique for rectovaginal fistulas in horses
- 03.09.2004 First J.T. Vaughan Equine Medical Conference in November 2004
- 20.08.2004 HALS-ovariohysterectomy in horses
- 11.08.2004 Cesarean section in the horse: anesthetic recommendations
- 12.07.2004 Arthroscopic surgery on chip fractures in standing horses
- 11.07.2004 Ileal impaction: a life-threatening cause of colic
- 07.07.2004 Fungal flora in healthy horse eyes
- 28.06.2004 Periapical curettage in infected mandibular cheek teeth
- 22.06.2004 Metabolism, pharmacokinetics and toxicology of clenbuterol in horses
 - 31.05.2004 Dermoid cyst in the dorsal midline of a young horse (case report)
- 31.05.2004 “Irritant threshold” for insect allergens in healthy horses
- 29.05.2004 `Irritant` threshold concentration for insect extracts in equine skin testing
- 24.05.2004 Anesthetic sparing effect of detomidine during isoflurane anesthesia in horses
 - 24.04.2004 Epidural analgesia with tiletamine/zolazepam in horses
- 06.04.2004 Two therapeutical approaches to treat nail puncture wounds in horses
- 18.03.2004 Six American states set up electronic interstate project
- 15.03.2004 Complete Resection as Treatment of Septic Common Digital Extensor Tendosynovitis
- 26.01.2004 Evaluation of stallion fertility via semen analysis
- 04.01.2004 Immune status of mares during different cycling phases
- 27.12.2003 Ohio State University creates first DNA gene chip for horses
- 19.12.2003 Focused and Radial Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on Equine Bone Microdamage
- 27.11.2003 Reasons and risk factors for perioperative mortality in horses
- 24.11.2003 Changes in corneal clarity in horses: diagnosis and therapy
- 16.11.2003 Physiologic structure and age-related changes of the equine retina
- 14.11.2003 Successful laminitis rehab must involve client
- 31.10.2003 Aerosolized salbutamol (albuterol) in hypoxaemic anaesthetized horses
- 24.10.2003 Different behavioral responses following eight anesthetic induction protocols in horses
- 17.10.2003 New test determines exposure to strangles in horses
- 15.10.2003 Compounded omeprazole in treatment of equine gastric ulcers
- 02.08.2003 Immunocastration in horses - a new reversibel therapeutic option?
- 28.07.2003 Electroretinograms in horses - new method without general anesthesia
- 20.07.2003 Assessment of post-operative pain in horses after arthroscopic surgery
- 15.07.2003 Laparoscopic Ultrasound in the Evaluation of Abdominal Structures in the Horse
- 03.05.2002 New Equine Health Studies
